Monday, April 28, 2014

Limes and Coconut

Limes and Coconut - Oil on Canvas 12"x12"
Still life with limes and coconut. The white part of the coconut gave me fits.  It's much darker than you think even though it shows up very white under the light. I had to keep mixing raw umber (and a tiny bit of U-blue) into the white to get it the way I wanted. The reflections in the bowl were fun to do. At first you don't see them, you have to focus on the bowl and sometimes look away. I used a Susan Sarback trick to see them. Hold your hands cupped over your eyes until you see no light whatsoever. Keep your eyes OPEN while you're  doing this - maybe a minute - and then quickly take your hands away and look at the bowl. You will see many things you didn't before but just remember the flicks of color or light you see because they will fade. Paint them in and do the hand thing again if you need to.

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