Saturday, June 1, 2019

California Still Life 8x10 Oil on Watercolor Paper

This is a painting I did in Carmel, California one summer when we vacationed there. I didn't have any canvas with me so this was done on heavy cold-pressed watercolor paper that had been sprayed with fixative to keep the paint from soaking into the paper. Then I taped the edges down on a piece of foam board as if I were doing a watercolor. I've done several paintings like this, and I enjoy the feel of oil painting on paper. Plus when you're traveling it's very light and easy to transport. If it won't be too long I put a piece of wax paper on top and slip them into an expanding  file folder until I get home. If need be, they can easily be touched up. When I frame them I put them behind glass, just because of the paper.

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